Public Meditation Course 2024

Dates: December 1, 2024 – December 10, 2024

Dear Dharma friends around the globe- Tashi Delek!  

First of all, we would like to apologise for our delayed communication. It has been a challenging  summer at KIBI. The rainy season persisted much longer than usual, with heavy rainfall flooding  KIBI. As some of you may know, significant construction and renovation work is currently ongoing  at KIBI. The heavy rain posed a major obstacle and delayed the construction process. Therefore, we  wanted to ensure that we could complete the rooms before the course begins on 1st December. 

It is our pleasure to invite you once again to the annual Public Meditation Course at KIBI.

The  course will start with an information session on the afternoon of 1st December and will end with an  aspiration prayer on the morning of 10th December 2024

Teachers and Teachings 

HH Karmapa will provide teachings and guide meditation practices throughout the course, focusing  on Chenrezig. Ven. Drubpon Nyigyam Rinpoche from the Sharminub Retreat Centre in Kathmandu  will confer the daily Sojong vows. Additionally, he will teach Shine practice and the third of the  Four Foundations (Mandala Offering). Furthermore, Ven. Khenpo Tsering Samdrup will instruct on  Chagchen Gangma (Tilopa’s Ganges Mahamudra) and Ven. Khenpo Chochok will continue the  teachings of Gyü Lama (Uttaratantra Shastra), the “Treatise on the Sublime Continuum”. 

If you are undertaking Sojong for the first time, please attend the afternoon session on 1st  December.  

We will send the programme and schedule to participants and upload them to the KIBI website as  soon as they are finalized. 


Registration is now open. Here is the link to the online registration form: 


We would like to inform you that the room arrangements at KIBI have changed. We now have less  capacity, and the room category is not yet defined. What we know already is that the bunk bed  rooms are now located on the first floor of the main building in our 3 classrooms. There will be 12  to 16 people in each room. The 3 dormitories remain the same as previous years. Please check the  registration form carefully. 

If you are going to the Mönlam and want to stay at KIBI after your travel to Bodhgaya, please send  an email to the Information Centre with the dates:

If you wish to stay before the Mönlam, we will not be able to accommodate you unless you are  attending the course and registered to stay at KIBI.

Warm greetings, 
Your PMC 2024 Team