conclusion report:

Congratulations to all the participants for successfully completing the course!

The KIBI Intensive Short Course concluded on Mar 8th
2019, at 5 PM, with Prof. Sempa Dorje’s precious lecture (find more details below and in the KIBS Annual Report -2018/19).

After its initiation in Nov. 2018, this course was held for the second time. It is designed particularly for those who would like to dive deeper into Buddhist philosophy but have limited time.

In short, this one-month journey comprised 4,5 hours of teaching for five days a week(leading to a total of 69 hours of class),which covered the topics such as Abhidharma, Buddha-nature, and gradual path (lamrim)..

Students come to KIBI in search of knowledge, wisdom, and compassion. This time, we had students from Russia, England, Brazil, Nepal, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Mexico, and the Philippines joined the intensive course.

The success of this course solely depended on the dedication, patience and hard work of the KIBI team, which was greatly appreciated by the participants.

Khenpo Tsering taught Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation, chapter 1- 9 as well as the first chapter of the Uttartantra Sastra by Maitreya, for which he also gave the reading transmission. It was around 17 hrs for each subject.

Khenpo Lobsang instructed the first four chapters of Mipham’s Gateway To Knowledge, which was approximately 25 hrs of class. The translation was done by Lopon Tsondru.

Lopon Jinpa Namgyal led the bi-weekly review classes and also helped the students to clear their doubts concerning the class subjects and Dharma in general. He also offered the oral transmission of the Jewel Ornament of Liberation. Furthermore, Lopon Karma Sherab and Tsondru were responsible for holding discussion sessions.

Lama Tamding and Karma Dhondrub led the weekly Chenrezig Sadhana at the Lhakhang (and finally, in our fourth week, we succeeded to chant it harmoniously together).

Noteworthy: Lama Thabka and his administration team, the hostel department managers, librarian Katrin, Shop keeper Bettina, and Andrea, in-charge of the cafeteria, who played crucial roles in running the course smoothly.

Special thanks go to Ms. Karen Marquez Franco and Ms. Coralie Maurel Santini for supporting the course management in various ways. It was highly appreciated.

Our cooks and kitchen team provided us with super delicious meals. This time the special food menu was successful – except the thukpa (noodle soup), which we will eliminate from our next menu.

Finally, we would also like to express our appreciation of the kind guidance of Prof. Sempa Dorje for giving advice whenever needed, as well as His Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa for his precious blessing.
(What their experience of studying in KIBI was like, please see the students’ testimonial in the photo caption).

Overall, through mutual cooperation and patience of both teachers and students the course proceeded smoothly and successfully.

We hope to see you all in the next course.

Written by Course Coordinator Tashi Bhutia