The Celebration of Vesak Day and Maha-Parinirvana Anniversary

Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya

Karmapa International Buddhist Institute celebrated the 2568th Vesak day (also known as Buddha Jayanti or Buddha Purnima) – the Buddhist festival commemorating the birth, full awakening, and passing into parinirvana of our historical Buddha Shakyamuni. Moreover, this auspicious day marked the 10th return of the day when Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche left his holy body.

Therefore, KIBI Sangha conducted the final day of the Gyalwa Gyatso Drupchӧ, complemented by the recitation of the the Sixteen Arhats respectively, followed by extensive aspiration prayers and long-life prayers for His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 15th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche (long-life prayer jointly composed by both Karmapas), and all Bodhisattvas. The final session of the day included a vast tsok offering and distribution to all devotees who were present at this auspicious event.
Besides, sponsored by our Himalayan students, kheer (sweet rice porridge), water, and juice were distributed to the public around noon, which provided a welcome refreshment in the scorching Delhi heat. Finally, the soft light of the candles lit and the sound of the recited aspiration prayers brought a calm and peaceful atmosphere to the evening, thus concluding a day filled with dharma activities.

We sincerely rejoice in the virtue and merit accumulated by all our sponsors of the three-day Drupchӧ, and we pray that all their wishes will be fulfilled. May all sentient beings always be happy and endowed with a healthy life.